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University of Pennsylvania

GitHub Campus Program

University of Pennsylvania GitHub Campus Program

GitHub Campus Program makes GitHub Enterprise features available to the Penn Community.

University of Pennsylvania GitHub Organization

You must have a GitHub account before you can become a member of the University of Pennsylvania (upenn) organization on GitHub. You can use an existing account or create a new GitHub account here:

You can use any available name for your GitHub account. If your PennKey username (PennName) is unavailable, consider using yourpennname-upenn (i.e. bfrankln-upenn). Since GitHub account names are not unique to the upenn organization, do not assume that a GitHub account belongs to a Penn affiliate because it is the same as someone’s PennName.

All members of the upenn GitHub organization are required to have two-factor authentication enabled on their GitHub accounts. If you have not done so already, see these instructions:

After logging into your GitHub account (with two-factor authentication enabled), visit this URL to authenticate with your PennKey and automatically become a member of the upenn GitHub organization:

Note that you can associate your Penn WebLogin SSO identity with any of your GitHub accounts, but only one can be associated at a time. You will also be required to enable Two-factor authentication on your GitHub account, if you haven’t done so already.

WARNING: GitHub is not suitable for storing sensitive information, including:

Why use Penn’s Github Campus Program?
