University of Pennsylvania GitHub Campus Program
GitHub Campus Program makes GitHub Enterprise features available to the Penn Community.
University of Pennsylvania GitHub Organization
You must have a GitHub account before you can become a member of the University of Pennsylvania (upenn) organization on GitHub. You can use an existing account or create a new GitHub account here:
You can use any available name for your GitHub account. If your PennKey username (PennName) is unavailable, consider using yourpennname-upenn (i.e. bfrankln-upenn). Since GitHub account names are not unique to the upenn organization, do not assume that a GitHub account belongs to a Penn affiliate because it is the same as someone’s PennName.
All members of the upenn GitHub organization are required to have two-factor authentication enabled on their GitHub accounts. If you have not done so already, see these instructions:
After logging into your GitHub account (with two-factor authentication enabled), visit this URL to authenticate with your PennKey and automatically become a member of the upenn GitHub organization:
Note that you can associate your Penn WebLogin SSO identity with any of your GitHub accounts, but only one can be associated at a time. You will also be required to enable Two-factor authentication on your GitHub account, if you haven’t done so already.
WARNING: GitHub is not suitable for storing sensitive information, including:
- Data subject to FERPA rules
- HIPAA protected information
- Unencrypted secrets such as passwords or private keys
Why use Penn’s Github Campus Program?
- Protected by Penn WebLogin SSO
- GitHub Teams for cascading access permissions
- Standardized infrastructure available to University
- Security features enforced across all repositories in the enterprise
- Security Vulnerability Alerts for vulnerable repos
- Enterprise support for GitHub Classroom and integration with Canvas
- External collaboration with nonmembers is supported
- Continued access to code repostories is resilient to developer turnover